Vital Force Taichi Academy ( VFTA) is a fitness and health center in Bangalore that has been enabling people to feel wellness and vitality since 1998. It was formerly known as Force Vitale and was founded by energetic and inspiring Cicily Thomas with a mission to help people actualize their fitness goals and get the most out of their body and mind by using Tai Chi and Qigong as means. Over the past two decades, VFTA has trained several participants in Tai Chi and helped thousands of people improve their health and vitality . We have four centers in Bangalore, where we offer regular training sessions at different levels and teacher training courses. In addition, we conduct awareness and training programs at various corporates as well as speicialised programs for groups. We have also conducted several international programs in France. One of the unique fatures of our programs is we organize two day Tai-Chi retreats, where we take our participants to eco-touristic places to practice Taichi in the open environment, amidst natural settings. A lot of Tai Chi forms are inspired by nature, and this practice helps the participants to connect with that.